The Green
IP13 6TA

Dog Walk
1. From the pub car park walk down the driveway and turn right.
2. Follow the road until you reach a T-junction (on a bend by a bus shelter).
3. Turn right into Lyttleton meadow and turn immediately left and follow the paved footpath to the corner.
4. Turn left through the gap in the white railings and cross over the main road - please take care here as cars can come around the bend very quickly.
5. Once you have crossed the road turn right and follow the pavement until it ends and continue down the lane past two houses on the right hand side. Just after the second house there is a footpath on the right (in between two high hedges).
6. Follow this footpath keeping the fencing and hedges to the left.
7. You will eventually come to a stream and continue around to the right and follow the path keeping the stream to your left.
8. After a few hundred meters you will reach a wooden footbridge - this is a lovely sopt for dogs to swim and children to play!
9. Once over the footbridge continue on keeping the stream to the left and at the end of the field you will meet the road.
10. Turn left here and at the next corner where the roads bears around to the right continue stright on into the field and up a gentle hill.
11. As you reach the wooded area and the lake turn left infront of it (I don't advise you to let your dogs swim here as it can be a bit smelly)!
12. Follow the footpath through the gap in the hedge and continue on until you reach a wooden park bench. This is a good spot to sit and take in the view across the fields.
13. From here the foot path heads down the hill (diagonally acros the field). The path goes through a small gap in the hedge here (please take care as it is quite steep and can be slippery)
14. Go through the gate and bear right across the field towards the large metal gate. Please be aware that there are often cows in the this field.
15. Pass through the wooden 'kissing gate' (just to the left of the big metal gate anf follow the footpath through the field keeping close to the hedge on the left. If you look right here you will see the very handsome Burgh House.
16. After about 100m, just before you reach the end of the field you will find a small metal gate on the left, go through this gate and bear right across this field towards the cottages, in the middle of the field you will cross a stream over a little wooden footbridge.
17. Go through the large metal gate and turn right and follow the pavement back towards the village.
18. When the path stops cross the road back into Lyttleton Meadow and turn right. Follow the paved footpath to the corner, pass through the white railings and turn left. Pass the bus shelter on your left and follow the pavement all way back to the pub
This walk is around 4km long takes around an hour to walk at a leisurely pace. There are a couple of very gentle hills.
Please pick up dog waste and dispose of it responsibly, there are two poo bins in the village which are marked on the map.
Please ensure that dogs are kept on leads when walking through any fields with livestock in.
Close all gates and check they are secure after you have gone through them.
Please follow the country code and as they say take nothing but photographs and leave nothing but footprints.